Praise God Whom All Blessings Flow!!!
From Nancy Rattray in Ohio:
Oh what immense joy fills my heart as I read of your work in Cuesta Arena and see the pictures of the beautiful children. Our church (Hope Ridge UMC- OHIO) has partnered with 4 other churches( Willoughby Hills UMC-Ohio, Houston UMC -PA, HarrisvilleUMC-PA, Christian Alliance – PA and have been traveling to Santiago for a 10 day mission trip in February for 9 years. We have worked on the church in Santiago with Pastora Sairy and done work in both Cuesta Arena and Los Cocos Thanks be to God for your mission of renewed HOPE!!! We look forward to dedicating the church in Santiago in February 2010 and seeing all that the Lord has done! God is an AWESOME GOD!
God Bless your team this weekand a special Hello to Sarah and Jennifer !!! WE love you !
In Christ’s Love, Nancy