Mar 4- Home from Haiti
We had a great trip to Haiti. It was sad to leave the team. Today they were seeing 100 people before lunch. Then headed to an orphanage that is filled with disabled children. Tomorrow they are headed into Port au Prince. I wish I could have been there for that trip. Though we saw lots of damage in Croix de Bouquet and Eben-ezer, I would have loved to have made the journey into Port au Prince. Headed home was not as easy as the treck there. It took over an hour to cross the border due to market day. It was packed with pedestrians and semis and only one lane of moving traffic to accomidate both lanes of traffic. We visited our friends at Casa Blanca just over the border in Jimani then headed through Duverge, Barahona, Bani, Santo Domingo and then Santiago. We got stopped 3 times, twice they checked our passports but all was well. We arrived home safely to Santiago and am glad to be “home”. It was amazing to go and serve with the team and they truly blessed me. Though it was scary to be there for a 4.6 earthquake I’m glad we experienced it. The people live in fear and many sleep by their doors or outside, even if their house is still standing. It is appart of their culture now. Many that we treated had post traumatic stress disorder and a hard time sleeping at night. All in all, they are beautiful people and I can’t wait to go back.
see one of the tent cities on youtube