Mar 23- Caring for the Sick

Today instead of the normal women’s bible study, we took the woman to visit a woman who is battling cancer. It always amazes me the strength and humor people who are battling cancer have. This woman was no exception. She pulled out her wigg to show us and I think was mostly just greatful for the company. Apparently eating grapes is supposed to be good for those in chemotherapy, just an FYI. She was such a Godly woman and full of spirit in the midst of her suffering. We prayed with her and said our good byes then headed to the hospital where the aunt of Wendy (Juan Manuel’s wife, a women in the church that leads the children’s ministry) is in the intensive care. She has heart bypass a few years ago, but now at 40 years old is dying from heart failure. The family was all gathered and of course only 2 people can go back at a time and there are time limits of when people can even go into the room. Sairy and Wendy went back to visit and though I put on the special shoes and washed my hands I wasn’t allowed all the way into her room because of number and time limits. So I stayed and talked to the security guard!
We did go with the family into the hospital chapel to pray. Everyone got down on their knees and put their head on the seat of the chair. It was such an amazing moment of surrendering.I think one of the things I love about this culture is how “unmanly” the men are. These grown men were not afraid to weep outloud over the suffering of their loved one. It was a time of sorrow, surrendering, and praising their powerful God. I think everyone left the chapel in tears. I love how God’s presence is recognized everywhere here, without concern of who they are offending.

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