June 19, 2009
Our second day in the DR was great! We woke up and did our devotions, then we drove to the Pastor’s home and FINALLY got out suitcases! Thank God! After that we went back to La Islita to change into some clean clothes and then headed out to Custa Arena. When we got there, the children walked us down to the river. It was a great experience to see where they lived, bathed and had to walk to multiple times a day, and it was a long walk! Today made me very greatful for everything I have and where I live. Next we went to the monument and we could see almost the whole city! It was beautiful! Our next stop was back to Pastor’s house to eat dinner, and i must say, I am the most picky eater ever, but the food here is wonderful! Now were going to go eat some icecream, and then were done for the night!
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– Katherine