June 15, 2009- Monday
God is Good all the time! All the Time God is Good! We went to Santa Domingo today to see the Bishop so he could sign some papers for Sarah. We also went to see a Doctor about getting a leg for Joan (Yo Juan). We got a appointment for him for June 30th. We met Moreno at the Bishops office and we got to spend the day with him and Jorge which was so very to me. I really miss him and Jorge and Carly. We spent time at the beach also and it was very nice to sit and watch the kids play in the water.
God has done wonderful things on this trip and I believe he will continue to do wonderful things for the people here. Sarah has done so much here these past few months and she is continuing to make more plans for the Villages here. Please keep her and her helpers in your prayers.
Love and Peace, Jenn Renshaw