June 19, 2013- Aubrey

What a day! It has certainly been a blessed day. Things are a little different in this lovely country and I’m definitely soaking it up. Everyone speaks Spanish (such a delight for me!), the people work with everything in them, the trees dance from the constant breeze and the kids certainly win the award for being the cutest in the world

Shayna led our devotions this morning and helped us set our hearts on being content in every circumstance throughout the day — great start to our day of loving on and helping out these wonderful people! We began the day with welcoming all the kids from the area of Cuesta Arena to Vacation Bible School, lots of singing and shouting to get pumped on Jesus : ). It was so cool getting to hear Candace, the school teacher, with talking about Saul’s conversion. I loved talking with the kids and helping them with their activity; it has really made me ponder the thought of teaching.

We finished up and the kids headed home as we began our lunch break — ham & cheese sandwiches or pb&j? I think both — we all needed a pick-me-up after all those energetic kids! I tried to take what they call a “concrete nap” on the pavement…little difficult, so I stuck to drinking more water.

Construction on the second story of the school began and water really became my, and everyone’s, best amigo. And thank God for the persistent breeze! Holy Spirit all up in that. We took turns mixing cement and passing up cinder blocks to the second story — quite a feat — and also playing with some of the kids who returned in the afternoon. Chelsea and I were roof buddies, helping out with cement and such. We shared with each other how cool it is being a part of something like this, something that really matters for these kids. It has been so incredibly beautiful to do Kingdom Work alongside these amazing Dominicans. We are all so thrilled for the rest of these two weeks!

Praising Him for all of the awesome things that He is doing on stage and behind the scenes. Blessings and peace upon you all!

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