Food Project
Drew flew in from Trinity UMC in Gainesville, Fl to bring packages of rice with vitamins. Yesterday we took a bag to Estella and had her cook the food and get her opinion. She thought the rice was good but needed to be Dominicanized by adding cilantro, garlic, and other herbs. The food was a hit with Estella so we decided to try it with the people of Los Cocos and Cuesta Arena today. In Los Cocos Estella taught Mariel how to prepare the food. The food was then passed out to a few members of the church and some representatives from the rehab facility the church has been working with. From there we took Mariel to Cuesta Arena and she taught the people of Cuesta Arena how to prepare it. The rice was then passed out to members of the church from Cuesta Arena to get their opinion of it. We told them they could add beans, chicken, whatever they wanted to to add more flavor.
We were able to leave a 10 bags in Cuesta Arena and will give out the rest of the bags to Los Cocos and other members of the church. The next project will be to import the packages into the country…Its a good thing out pastor is married to someone in the government. Looks like we could become good friends with the people of the port! Our goal is to have it in country by the end of this year. A huge thank you to Trinity UMC G’ville for their generosity! If your church is interested in getting involved in the food packaging program, please let me know!