Feb 5
Today started out good. We got a lot accomplished at the church then came back to the pastora’s house for lunch. We have almost all the electricity done upstairs, have finished painting downstairs, and have put in some plants around the outside of the church. We have another service tonight at 730pm.
After lunch, Al, Nancy, and I went to a water purification store. We found a guy that came out with us to Cuesta Arena and looked at the system. He took water from the system and told us the water is soo bad even after the system that we need more filters. It is essentially a sea we are tapping into to get the water. The people haven’t been using the system because they didn’t like the taste. So once again we have a system that is sitting unused and unhelpful to the people. We thought we had solved the water problem but the problem is bigger than we ever could have imagined. It has nothing to do with the system…the water is just really bad and what is causing the skin problems and everything else.
The new filters are going to cost $12,500 to get clean and good water. I am sooo frustrated that this thing is still not working. I know that God will provide…please pray.